AK the Right Way

I know from the title this sounds either very gun rights or elitist, it’s neither! I am doing a 6 week running journal on how the Accountable Kids program has or hasn’t worked for us.
Some back ground- I have been pseudo implementing this program for 9 months…9 months of failure…on my part and confusion on my kids part

So, I ordered a starter kit- the book and a board, the boys already have boards so I got one for Emmy because she is eager to flip cards like her brothers!

I read the book, well enough to know I may have chose the wrong career field, I had no idea kids computed things sooo differently than adults. But hey, better late than never…



Minimizing to start!
The boys set the table and cleared it without being asked!! They have flipped morning cards and are being much more co-operative and happy!!

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