Back To The Real World

Our life has been hoppin lately! We are currently sitting on an airplane on our way home to Colorado from Florida (had a fantastic time with friends from high school) we left from Florida to the Bahamas on 5 day cruise (if you ever have a chance to hit up Freeport it is Divine as is Atlantis *SOO MUCH FUN*) 
I am sharing some awesome pictures from the beach and snorkeling….including our swimming adventures with a friggin barracuda *bahhh* 
okay I know y’all want to know the highlights of our trip zoo here is the not so party kid guide to cruising (and not dying too much)
*Go with a Corporate group who will pay for you because than you can afford all the alcohol and shore excursions
*Make sure you pay your bills before you leave, you will not be able to afford them when you get home
*Freestyle cruise is amazing and has soo much food you may get fat- much like I did
*Within your corporate group, seek out those who appear to have children, then drink with them. Just like you they have no desire to see shows and shit, they want to get drunk
*If you are lucky you will find crazy Canadians and maybe they will get deported too bahahahaha that was a highlight that I am not at liberty to talk about 😉
*Over all just enjoy yourselves, the food is yummy and someone else will clean up after you 
I can honestly say I can’t wait for Corey to win next years cruise because it was seriously phenomenal and having time back home didn’t hurt 🙂 We also finally bought a new computer which means while we still won’t have internet at home we will now have a none iPhone way of posting blogs and I can legit type up recipes and post for y’all 🙂 

Nikon Coolpix L810 16MP 26X Optical Zoom Black Digital Camera (Google Affiliate Ad)

Park and Play 3 *Wicked Abs!*

Okay so my abs are far from wicked but I was helping CJ workon my MIL house yesterday and I totally managed to do it with out pussing out which is uber huge for me because well frankly I have spent years out of shape and rather lazy :blush: I also jumped on the tramp with the kids repeatedly and I went for an hour long run this morning IN THE MOUNTAINS, so like up hill the whole first half!!!!!!!!!!! I about died, I dont think I have even coughed so much before :-/

Okay the work out

Bicycle crunch/3/12-16
Reverse Crunch/2/12
Vertical leg crunch/3/12
Captains Chair (while hanging from monkey bars)/2/12
Single Leg Bridge/2/60 seconds
Plank/2/60 seconds
Standing Knee Cross Crunch/3/16

Its not terribly until you are near the end but I enjoyed it! Next week will be upper body and then we will have a solid rotation on
m- P&P1
t- P&P2
w- P&P3
th- P&P4
F- P&P1

I will be revamping come winter but I will leave friday open for just body updates, my body tends to be one of my biggest and most painful struggles in life, as a mother and a woman. I hope to over come that with basic exercise and ledning my self to health so my kids can have a healthy and fun mama

Park and Play Workout 2!!

Another week bites the dust and so does a little more fat!

This was my fat progress pic from this past Monday…yup that’s my new engage running bra :love:

The workout? Well that bod was from last weeks work out this week we rocked that work out mwf and P&P 2 tues and thurs…work out two

Squat jumps 24
Lunge jumps 15
Burpees 12
Start position push up 45 sec
Side plank wrap around 10
Leg raises 15

Repeat twice. This work out is a beast…totally worth it though!

Our New House

We got pics finally!! With move in being t minus 5 days I had to get some ideas!!
Emmys room

Dining Room from Kitchen
Worst Bathroom Pic Ever
Master bahaha
Boys Room
Dining Room again
Living Room
Kitchen from Living Room
Living room from Front Door

I am Falsely Ambitious

I love to pretend to be ambitious and I am really good at two things- small projects and not following through!

I am great at small to mid sized projects ie the crafts and DIY I have on here because I love them! They are fun, easy and totally beneficial to me and my family. I enjoy crafts regardless of if they are for me or my neighnor or merely to post on here because they are fun and I enjoy writing for my readers! I love being frugal and more often than not projects can be done in a frugal manner and they can make something fun/funky and even spectacular for uber cheap! I love that I have the ability to stretch a dollar, use a sewing machine and help others do it…but it have to take less than a week to do so, I need to be totally invested in what I am doing and passionate about it…or I just quit, it goes by the way side!

Kind of like…
How I was all excited about how I was going to become a writer woot woot, I was going to make a billion dollars and buy a house writing! I was also going to be a star at Mary Kay, own a wellness center the likes of Massage Envy but holistic, be a journalist, a nanny, a daycare provider, a waitress, a childrens clothing designer…I have a problem with my follow through…a serious problem…you see I am good at starting I just don’t finish…especially if there is no end in sight…

My morning goes like this

*Peel myself out of bed
*Check bed for child pee
*Go Potty
*Go Downstairs
*Check E-mail
*Pour Coffee
*Make Breakfast

Not bad doesn’t usually phase me except there was this email saying I had a writing assignment due by 1 my time and I was like WTF I quit that shit…but I am not one to leave anyone hanging…so I write, haphazardly and half dead (asleep but really its a zombie like state and not attractive) only to submit the piece 43 words short and I sorta want to be a writer again…but I quit so I could devote time and energy to my household and my blog. I love my blog with pink sparkly hearts and I want to write to you all every moment of every day…okay well not really, sorry, I would probably get arrested if I told y’all some of the fucked up shit in my brain (like the zombie apocalypse) but I would ideally eventually like to make money writing my blog cus its awesome and I love it and no one ever criticizes to my face my shitty spelling and horrid punctuation although I know you all are doing it at home…dont judge me!

Well that was the start of my off day! I am going to take the kids to the library when Emer wakes up and thats that!

Free Ladders…

I have systematically gone through each room of our new house and designed it in my head, except my brain is hopped up on sugar and caffeine and I don’t actually live there yet so I haven’t actually done anything nor do I have measurements for rooms and what not! But yesterday I went to my mother in laws house and found this darling sofa table in their pile of things to be fixed, so post move I am going to pick it up, fix it, and paint it white for under our new mirror (well new because of spray paint…look for the Spray Paint Has Consumed Me post!) I am LOVING it! I also found an old wooden ladder with tons of water damage that I will pick up and do something like this

But Painted Aqua for all of my Grandfathers History and Encyclopedias! How fab?! I love to read so I will now have a place to put books!!!
I am so excited to display different family pictures, mix it up, and even add some family silhouettes! I am hoping to do rock cottage meets modern twist with an emphasis on ease, fun and clean! The challenge is…how cheep can we do it? Total thus far $16 for spray paint, primer and a table cloth- goal under $100 (not including our new bed and bedding for the boys!)

Life in My House…

Has been mellow but hectic lately…sounds a little ironic, ya? Well, we had swim and gymnastics in two different place at the same time on Saturday- this to most wouldn’t be an issue but for us it is because…we only have one car! So, I had to drop CJ and Brett off and then stick Emmy in the gym daycare and Jay into swim lessons…then reverse that scenario 40 minutes later to pick Cj and Brett up. Then we went home and cleaned, okay, in all honesty I has been sick and CJ cleaned :love him: Yesterday we went up to CJs moms house and I was not unhappy to go but worried it would use the rest of my gas, no bueno since I have to go into Boulder this week, but alas I still have a quarter tank to get me through this week, not enough but I will only need to put $20 in my tank before CJ gets paid on Friday!

Well, on our way home we had a chance to get to work on a solid budget for this upcoming year (after all the bills and rent are paid…so tentatively this is the plan

Extra toward truck/FFEF/’Mortgage’- 763.45 
(will be paying off the truck the doing FFEF, then setting up an account to pay a ‘mortgage’ so we can pay like its a loan even though its just saving for a place)

New Vehicle/Maintenance Savings- 470 
*will start after the truck is paid off*

CSA 110.75
*will be less since we found a less expensive CSA*
Family Pix 8.50

Insurance *life and car* 111

Sports 334 
(Brett just made pre-team in gymnastics so cost has gone up)
This covers

Gymnastics x3
Including gas to and from

Christmas (whole fam) 40

Birthdays (me, dh, kids) 21

Clothes 83.30
For kids and CJ and myself

Co-Pays/Opt etc 142
Covers Co-Pays (30 to reg dr, 50 to allergist, Dental work for all of us, and an ER visit)

Extras (fun money) 40

It’s been a long weekend

In a good way! Well mostly…Corey and I got into a fight which sucked but ended well 😉
Actually that something I wanted to write about :eww: Corey and I had lost some of that flame, ya know what I’m talking about right? That feeling, butterflies, kissing and hugging and desire for eachother. We, by all means, have had a rough road and we jumped into all this with two feet. For those of you who don’t know Cj and I met when I was 18 and he was 22, it was a fling (I was engaged) and then feelings started I broke it off with the other guy and we decided at some point a baby would be fun – Jayden was born 2 weeks after I turned 19, we got married 6 weeks before I turned 20, Brett was born 3 weeks before I turned 21 and Emmy was born on my 23rd birthday. Whirlwind – yes, romance – not so much. We have made plenty of mistakes and fallen really well into our roles of mom and dad but neglected lovers. Okay well that’s all leading to…
We made out of hours last night! It was amazing and sensual and touching and feeling! Truly stunning, I’m still feeling butterflies! I wouldn’t call it romance but fun and intimate and giggly- everything out marriage has been missing for so long!! We needed it 🙂 and when we texted this morning it reminded me of how exciting it was the time we talked after our first night together (we made out til 5 am) and I was that excited albeit more rested since we hit the pillows around midnight this time around.
On a less sexy note we went to my mother in laws place yesterday and it was soo fun! It snowed and it was gorgeous (posting pics during nap time) and we got to go for a walk sans kids 🙂 we also made amazing and easy vegetarian lasagna
And of course I’m posting the recipe
Veg lasagna
No boil noodles
Spaghetti sauce
Cottage cheese (or ricotta)

Light layer sauce
No bake noodle layer
Cheese (all mixed up first)
Repeat with sauce on top
Bake for 1:20 minutes at 375
Set on counter for 30 minutes

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

RockStar Review Wednesday…Fly Lady

It is finally spring (well in some parts of the country) so I decided March should be Spring Cleaning month!!!
Now, raise your hand if you suck at cleaning! Yay! I’m not the only one. I am a list kinda girl and I was raised by a woman who believed in hiring the help and not doing it yourself. Unfortunately I cannot afford this luxury so I must implement some kind of system. I opted for the system. Its free :yay!: its easy :yay!: and its only an hour-ish a day :again yay!: I know as a stay at home mom I feel like I have, oh, like, no time at all – ever to clean! I mean where am I supposed to find time for cleaning between teen mom 2, soaps and bon bons, right? Or- uhm, dirty diapers, laundry, cooking, picking up dishes, cleaning up spilt water and accidents, trips to the park, homework, coloring on the walls, locking someone in the closet and whatever else my wee loves can conjure up for me! So I needed something uber organized, straight to the point and idiot proof :because lets face it even after 2 or 10 cups of coffee I still haven’t slept through the night since September 2005 and I’m not working at 100% here:!
Flylady rocks it with a control journal
Mine of course is hot pink with an outline of everything it contains…
it also is broken down into
morning, afternoon, bedtime chore
days of the week chores
and fly zones (one area a week)
My control journal has easy meal plans, budget, packing check lists, party check lists, emergency lists, pass word lists…erm pretty much everything I may forget (or already have!)
I love flylday although I did have to modify it to work for me. I think it will benefit just about every one because it isn’t exclusive to the housewife or the working mama or a mama at all it’s just an easy break down of the house. It makes it so its not CHAOS :Cant Have Anyone Over Syndrome:

Switching it up ;-) diy elastic!!

So I had the privilege of making up this little ditty in exchange for a food processor (gotta love the barter system 🙂

But I also promised the mama a how to with elastic! So here you go girl!!
Elastic Tutorial
Ingredient List
Sewing machine
Safety pin

Step 1
Lay out your partially sewn garment like so

Step 2
Use something to measure the fold to make sure it’s even (I used a Fre because it’s easy to see)

Step 3
Fold over again and iron (make are your pin and elastic will fit through

Step 4
Sew along the bottom fold

Step 5
Thread your pin through your elastic and close (not to close to the end of the elastic)

Step 6
Thread the pin/elastic through the pocket you created in your garment


Step 7
Sew one end (the end with pin) in place

Step 8
Pull your elastic

Sew again once it’s the desired size!
Cut rest of the elastic and finish the garment!!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone