Park and Play 3 *Wicked Abs!*

Okay so my abs are far from wicked but I was helping CJ workon my MIL house yesterday and I totally managed to do it with out pussing out which is uber huge for me because well frankly I have spent years out of shape and rather lazy :blush: I also jumped on the tramp with the kids repeatedly and I went for an hour long run this morning IN THE MOUNTAINS, so like up hill the whole first half!!!!!!!!!!! I about died, I dont think I have even coughed so much before :-/

Okay the work out

Bicycle crunch/3/12-16
Reverse Crunch/2/12
Vertical leg crunch/3/12
Captains Chair (while hanging from monkey bars)/2/12
Single Leg Bridge/2/60 seconds
Plank/2/60 seconds
Standing Knee Cross Crunch/3/16

Its not terribly until you are near the end but I enjoyed it! Next week will be upper body and then we will have a solid rotation on
m- P&P1
t- P&P2
w- P&P3
th- P&P4
F- P&P1

I will be revamping come winter but I will leave friday open for just body updates, my body tends to be one of my biggest and most painful struggles in life, as a mother and a woman. I hope to over come that with basic exercise and ledning my self to health so my kids can have a healthy and fun mama

Park and Play Workout 2!!

Another week bites the dust and so does a little more fat!

This was my fat progress pic from this past Monday…yup that’s my new engage running bra :love:

The workout? Well that bod was from last weeks work out this week we rocked that work out mwf and P&P 2 tues and thurs…work out two

Squat jumps 24
Lunge jumps 15
Burpees 12
Start position push up 45 sec
Side plank wrap around 10
Leg raises 15

Repeat twice. This work out is a beast…totally worth it though!