Park and Play Workout 2!!

Another week bites the dust and so does a little more fat!

This was my fat progress pic from this past Monday…yup that’s my new engage running bra :love:

The workout? Well that bod was from last weeks work out this week we rocked that work out mwf and P&P 2 tues and thurs…work out two

Squat jumps 24
Lunge jumps 15
Burpees 12
Start position push up 45 sec
Side plank wrap around 10
Leg raises 15

Repeat twice. This work out is a beast…totally worth it though!

That I Can’t Believe I Did That Moment…

Have you every had a I can’t believe I just did that moment? A good one? A bad one? Both in one day? Yup the latter is me today!!

First I did my park and play a workout and I was feelin fly so I did 7 push ups hehe which doesn’t sound like a lot but considering until recently I was doin bitch push ups it is for me!!! So I was all yay me I’mma clean my house!!!

Clean- laundry, floors bedrooms, pool, fill pool…leave water going in pool…Corey goes is it cleaner? Well yay…who cares that you flooded the neighbors yard :/

My day…hmm

Park and Play Work Outs!

First woo-hoo my lululemon engage sports bra got here today (who’s running in the engage tomorrow? This girl!)

Second I promised you a work out today, and I’m bringing it bitches!

My measurements Monday vs Friday
L Arm 11 in vs 11.25
L leg 20.75 vs 20
Bust 37 vs 36.5
Hips 37.75 vs 37
Waist 29.6 vs 29.25

Ya buddy! I rocked this week? Did you? What are your measurements?

My schedule looked like this
Monday park and play 2.01 mi
Tuesday new rules of lifting Stage 3 workout A
Wednesday park and play 2.56 miles
Thursday NROLFW stage 3 work out A 2.17 miles
Friday -rest!!!

I feel amazing! A M A Z I N G

So what is the park and play workout
Exercise Set. Rep
Squat. 2. 6
Static elevated leg lunge 2 6
Bulgarian split squat 2 6
Step up 2 6

Push up 2 6
One arm incline push up 2 6
Tricep dips 2 6

Plan 45-90 second
Cobra 60-120 second
Sit ups 3 10
Crunch 3 10

Gun Violence Kills 12

Someone just posted on Facebook
‘they say guns don’t kill people, people do, but if it weren’t for a gun a lot more people would be alive right now.’

A gun did not walk into that Aurora movie theatre and shoot 62 people. A man who was 24, highly intelligent and out for blood did.

I can not fathom the pain, heartbreak and devastation the families of those shot are feeling. I live 50 miles away and I want to cry, I have cried. I don’t know anyone in aurora but I know that someones 7 year old baby was killed. Jayden is almost seven. 62 lives, 62 families have been forever changed because one 24 year old guy was angry.

It doesn’t end there, he had a bomb in his car. He booby trapped his apartment and planted bombs in his apartment complex, maybe more. They don’t know. But blocks of city street are shut down and the FBI and ATF are there.

So, at the end of the day does it really fucking matter if he used a gun or a bomb or a knife or nunchucks? Does it really matter? Is it really the point? Cus I feel like the real point is that 12 people are dead our state is in upheaval and it’s bad enough that a radio DJ suggested all we could do right now is PRAY for these families.

Stop fighting over guns and start praying for healing.

Do You Look Like God?

I have debated and gone back and forth about postin about God and faith on my blog and what that may do to my followers and recently after some soul searching I have concluded that I need to put more of my faith into my blog. My faith is a big part of who I am as a woman.  So, my question to my kids today was, do you look like God? Their answer, well, no.  So, I read them Genesis 1:26-31 about how God made us to look like him, aren’t God but we have his traits. So, moms and ladies and dads and gentlemen you look like God. You are like God, you are not defined but being what others ask of you but by your whole and embracing acts. Acts of kindness, Godly acts, acts of selflessness. Today I will try to be more Godly. I won’t be God but I would like to make Him proud as a Daughter. 

DIY key hanger

I love a little somethin’ somethin’ to spruce up a space and let me tell you Pinterest is the answer to my inspiration dreams! I love this key hanger cause lets face it key hangers are fugly, functional but so ugly! Well Becky had given me this amazing fabric and I thought to myself ‘girl you need a pop next to the front door so, with some composition board (that cj sawed perfectly) a scrap of fabric and some hooks!! Well we stretched the fabric and stapled it to the wood, screwed the hooks in and put a hanger on the back it is a mellow focal point in the white frames!! I get compliments all.the.time!

It Is So Quiet

I ran away from home! I know that is totally not fair but I have developed what I believe is iphoneitis from bringing you blog from my phone since we have no internet at home. We went to the zoo and then I ran away from home so I could plan my Park and Play workouts for the week (super fun name right?!) I also decided to grab some movies for the fam since I have the hubs home tomorrow!!! I am excited to have escaped for a few and figured I would bring everyone a little high five for awesomeness from my local library (which has ac and is soooo nice because it is 97 outside!)

Motherhood and Fitness and Frugal

My blog has been lacking some of the features that a lot of my ride a long fans have loved like fitness and I am apologizing publicly for that but Friday is going to be my frugal fitness and motherhood segment from here on out!

As you may have noticed my title is motherhood, fitness and frugal hmmm I wonder why! Lol, it’s because I am a frugal mom who loves fitness!

Let me start with my body has changed so much since becoming a mom, well of course all our bodies change but I was a teenager when Jayden was born so my body was still changing for the sake of normal growth. I have in the last 8 years gone from 140 to 200.7 to 113 to 178 to 130 to 170 to 140, 140 was my fighting weight in high school it is my fighting weight at 25. That’s my ‘story’ simply put, but what does it have to do motherhood and frugal?

Let’s tackle frugal first, after Jayden I spent so much money on how to get skinny, lose the baby weight, blah blah blah crap. Yup, crap. I don’t lose weight while nursing! Does.Not.Happen. But I lifted weights, I ate healthy and I ran, well sprinted its hard as shit for a smoker who is over weight to run- I didn’t smoke but one or two ciggerettes a day while nursing (not a good choice I know). Then I stopped nursing, started obsessing about my wedding and stopped eating I hit 140, 135, 130, 120, 113<–what I was when I found out about Brett in my belly and my family started worrying about anorexia :(, motherhood makes fitness hard, I don't want to put my baby in a daycare at a gym, I don't want to leave them so for me I decided to not eat that isn't fit it's sick. I find even at this point in motherhood fitness is hard, I have the swing of mommy down but fitness doesn't always feel compatible. I work out with my friend Suzanne and my friend Leeza- I P90X with S and run with L…but I sprained my ankle and broke my toe all in like 9 days so no running till Sunday, and S kids had Some tummy bug and now Emmy has it so no P90X today…bummer but I have learned to have a back up (btw I hate to workout and feel like I'm ignoring my kids!) well I have put together some park workouts while kids play!! Yay for congealed motherhood and fitness

Now for frugal- fitness can be frugal! I no longer have home Internet (hence the awesome typos from my iPhone) but even with just an Internet capable phone you can do which I love and pop Pilates on YouTube or you can check in here on Fridays from my workouts and schedule…just not this week! My friggin thumbs hurt after all this!
Schedule though for next week
Monday P90X + run
Tuesday park workout + legs
Wednesday P90X + run
Thursday park workout + legs
Friday P90X + run

Just ftr I weigh between 145 and 140 in all the pics below and I was 130 when I got married and wore my wedding dress 5 years later at 140 and looked so much better in it!

Feb 16,2012 in the pink shirt, 142lb

July 9, 2012 in the unders 140lb

Sorry for the wretched lighting and pms bloat in the second set of pics

Earth, Wind and Fire

Should be the catch phrase for Colorado as of late! With fire and smoke rolling desperately down the mountains into the plains where we live the eerie gray haze has become a norm and the decadent mixed scents of campfire wood and flowers leaves a girl like me just short of petrified. Fire is one of my biggest fears and the concept of it creeping near my home has left me with nothing short of a need to make a plan!

Emergency Evacuation Plan
It is imperative to have a plan that can be quickly thrown into action…
I have 380 in cash in our house (no checks or cards) so that if we had to leave in a rush and the bank was on fire I could get to where I was going
I have my momagenda kitchen folio with copies of birth certs, ss cards, doctor info, etc
Canned food stash
Camping equipment
All the basic ness.
First aid kit
Epi pen
Knives, lighters

🙂 so if your state catches on fire come prepared! Emergency kits save lives!!!